Posted on: March 16th, 2023 by Apex Team

Understanding Scale Buildup and its Effects on Industrial Equipment: How RYDLYME Descalcificador biodegradable Can Help

Scale buildup is a common problem in industrial equipment that can cause a range of negative effects, including reduced efficiency, increased energy consumption, and equipment failure. In this article, we will explore what scale buildup is, how it affects industrial equipment, and how RYDLYME biodegradable descaler can help dissolve scale buildup and prevent these negative effects.

What is Scale Buildup?

Scale buildup occurs when dissolved minerals and other materials in water and other fluids are left behind as the fluid evaporates or is heated. These minerals, which can include calcium, magnesium, iron, and others, form a hard, crusty deposit on surfaces such as pipes, valves, heat exchangers, and other equipment.

Scale buildup is a common problem in many industries, including oil and gas, chemical processing, food and beverage, and HVAC systems, among others. It can cause a range of problems, including reduced efficiency, increased energy consumption, and equipment failure.

Water Scale build up in a heat exchanger

Effects of Scale Buildup on Industrial Equipment

The effects of scale buildup on industrial equipment can be significant. First, scale buildup can reduce the efficiency of equipment, leading to increased energy consumption and higher operating costs. This is because the buildup can reduce the flow rate of fluids through pipes and other equipment, which in turn reduces the efficiency of heat transfer and other processes.

Second, scale buildup can cause equipment failure, leading to costly repairs and downtime. The buildup can cause pipes to become clogged or valves to malfunction, leading to reduced or stopped flow of fluids. It can also cause heat exchangers to become less effective at transferring heat, leading to equipment overheating and failure.

Finally, scale buildup can lead to increased maintenance costs, as equipment must be cleaned and repaired more frequently to maintain its efficiency and prevent failure.

RYDLYME Descalcificador biodegradable: An Effective Solution

RYDLYME Descalcificador biodegradable is a powerful solution for removing scale buildup from industrial equipment. It is a non-toxic, biodegradable liquid that is safe for the environment and easy to use.

RYDLYME works by dissolving the minerals and other materials that make up scale buildup, breaking it down into a liquid form that can be easily flushed out of equipment. It is effective at removing scale buildup from a range of surfaces, including pipes, valves, heat exchangers, and other equipment.

Using RYDLYME is simple. The solution is added to the equipment being cleaned and allowed to circulate for a period of time, typically several hours to overnight, depending on the severity of the scale buildup. After the solution has circulated, the equipment is flushed with water to remove the dissolved scale and other debris.

Descale with the Best

Scale buildup is a common problem in industrial equipment that can cause a range of negative effects, including reduced efficiency, increased energy consumption, and equipment failure. RYDLYME Descalcificador biodegradable is a powerful solution for removing scale buildup from industrial equipment. It is non-toxic, biodegradable, and effective at dissolving scale buildup on a range of surfaces. By using RYDLYME, industrial facilities can maintain the efficiency and reliability of their equipment, reducing operating costs and minimizing downtime.

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